You’ll be comfortable with purified air and a home you can enjoy no matter how hot or cold it is outside.
Our Team of trained experts have decades of experience in heating and air conditioning. Whether your system is electric, natural gas, propane gas, or oil, Leo Kob Co.’s experts can fix the problem. No matter what brand your system is, when it was installed or who installed it, our professional service technicians can help you determine your next best step for your home.
Training in current developments in the HVAC field never ends. Leo Kob Co. has experience with geo-thermal systems and cutting edge technology. Let our technicians explain how a whole house air purification system can help eliminate breathing problems for your family.
For questions about your current heating and air conditioning system, let a member of Leo Kob Co.’s team of skilled technicians come to your home to help. Our professionals can repair your current system or advise you on a new, “greener” more efficient one.
We offer maintenance service and replacement on all makes and models. Some of the services we offer include: free in-home price quote with a certified technician; information on different brands, unit sizes, energy-efficient heating and cooling system that meet your personal standards; standard parts and labor warranties; managing your project from start to finish by ordering parts, installation, set-up and clean-up, and HVAC system tune-ups.